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German Aircraft in Russian and Soviet Service 1941-1951

Andrei Alexandrov & Genadi Petrov

Andra delen av två om tyska plan i rysk tjänst (den första täcker tiden mellan 1914 till 1941). Inkluderar även erövrade tyska experimentplan och listor över olika typer av plan som användes. Engelsk text. 281 sidor 23x31 cm inb. 238 s/v foton, 31 färgprofiler, 14 sidor flerplansillustrationer. Utgivarens beskrivning:

The extent of wich German research and development had influenced avaiation worldwide first became apparent to aviation historians in the 1960s, however their research was concentrated exclusivly on the period of the second world war and the immediate postwar years. In the period before and during the first world war, the influence of German aviation developments was felt more in Russia and the Soviet Union than anywhere else. From the very beginning there was an interest in aquiring German know-how, which resulted in early ties with the German aviation industry. This cooperation continued until the beginning of the 1940s, when the terrible war between Germany and the Soviet Union abruply ended this epoch. The effects of German-Soviet cooperation continued to be felt until 1951, however.

This book by auhors Andrei Alexandrov and Genadi Petrov, illustrated with many previously unpublished photographs, depicts in a impressive way the blooming period of the Soviet aviation industry, which owed a great deal of its knowledge to technology derived from German designs.
555kr / st.
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