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Luftwaffe Secret Projects Vol.1 Fighters 1939-1945

Walter Schick, Ingolf Meyer

Går genom superflygplanen i sex olika kapitel, väl dokumenterat med utvecklingshistorik, linjeritningar, fascinerande färgillustrationer och prestanda. Engelsk text. 176 sidor, 22x29 cm inb, c:a 700 illustrationer & linjeritningar. Utgivarens beskrivning:

Reichmaster Hermann Göring was so convinced in 1940 that his Luftwaffe was invincible that he decreed that only refinements of existing types need be considered There was no need for more research and development, the war would be short and sharp. The battle of Britain and the flawed invasion of the Soviet Union changed all that. Germany needed all the technological muscle it could master. From 1941 onwards the breaks were off and some of the finest minds in aerodynamics turned their thoughts to war winning fighters of a new generation.

Momentum was gained at an incredible phase, moving through advanced piston-engined designs to produce jetfighters using aerodynamic concepts that the Allied seemed unable to match. Thankfully, the time-lag generated by the German leadership allowed little in the way of hardware to appear operationally by 1945.

For the first time, Germany´s incredible fighter projects of 1939-45 are revealed showing the technical dominance that their famed designers could have achieved if time allowed shapes and layouts that does not look out of place in the 1990s.

With access to much previously unpublished information the authors bring to life futuristic shapes that might have terrorised the allies had the war gone beyond 1945. Full color action illustrations in contemporary unit markings show vividly what might have been achieved. Careful comparison with later allied and soviet aircraft show the legacy handed on, right up to todays stealth aircraft.
450kr / st.
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