An analysis of his style
126 sidor 14x22cm, kronologi över hans verk, bibliografi, inb. Utgivarens beskrivning:
This important book is the first stylistic analysis in English of the music of Villa-Lobos a musician of international repute and considered to be Brazils leading twentieth century composer.
Vila-Lobos wrote music in all the traditional genres: operas, ballets, oratorios, orchestral and chamber music, works for solo instruments, concertos and transcriptions. He also originated new forms such as the Choros and Bachianas Brasileiras.
Apart from strong folklore influences his music shows stylistic elements of impressionism, and of the baroque and romantic periods.
The author is a Villa-Lobos authority of international standing and lived in Brazil during the last twenty years of the composers life. She knew Villa-Lobos well and had frequent opportunities to discuss his music with him, and forher studies she also consulted his family, friends and enemies and fellowartists.
The book is written in a style accessible to students and music-lovers alike and ends with an extensive chronology, selected bibliography, indices of names and the Villa-Lobos works discussed.